By this, they mean-quite bluntly-what they should study to make them marketable when they finally get their degree or diploma. Along the value chain from fishing to retailing, which is the most attractive industry? 理由很简单&他们最终所获得的文凭或学位,必须具有市场价值。在始于捕鱼业终于零售业的这条价值链中,哪一个产业最有吸引力?
Marketable securities carried at market value 按市价记帐的有价证券
Marketable equity securities are usually shown at the Lower-of-cost-or-market value on the balance sheet. 在资产负债表上,权益性证券通常按成本与市价孰低的原则列示。
"User Stories"," Backlog Items" or "Use Cases" are abstractly called "MMF"( minimum marketable features) so to explicitly state that what is flowing has a customer value. “用户故事”,“Backlog事项”或者“用例”都被抽象为“MMF”(最小可市场化功能,minimummarketablefeatures),用来明确地声明流转之物具有客户价值。
Moreover, approximately half of City's value was comprised of liquid assets and marketable securities, further reducing the risk of a serious decline in value. 而且,城市投资大约一半的价值包括流动资产和可交易的证券,进一步减少了一次严重价值下跌的风险。
In applying the lower-of-cost-or-market rule, the total cost of the marketable equity securities is compared with its current market value, and the lower of these two amounts is used as the balance sheet valuation. 在采用成本与市价孰低规则时,将权益性证券的总成本与其现行市价比较,两者中较低的作为资产负债表中的价值。
Etc. with high yield, high starch content and marketable tuber weight percentage were screened out for good breeding value. 2等10个具有产量、淀粉、商品薯率育种利用价值的家系。
Under the context of national owned land ownership and marketable land-use right in China, it is more complicated to measure the insurance value of real property. 在我国土地所有权国有而土地使用权有偿出让的制度背景下,保险价值的评估要更复杂一些。
As a result of the development of power systems, the distribution automation system has great application background and tremendous marketable value. 配电自动化是电力系统发展的必然趋势,具有很强的工程应用背景和巨大的市场潜力。
The value concept of CSR has its inherent tension, which is reflected by the tension between marketable value and social value, the tension between instrumentalism and standard doctrine, the tension between efficiency and impart. 企业社会责任价值观有其内在张力,这种张力体现在市场价值与社会价值的张力、工具主义与规范主义的张力以及效率与公平的张力等方面。
Once the metastasis of controlling power happen, former manager will lose all relevant benefits to business administration position, whose reputation, human capital marketable value will suffer grave loss. 一旦发生管理控制权转移,原高管将失去所有的与企业管理职位有关的收益,并且其声誉、人力资本市场价值都将遭受严重损失。